Special Council Agenda

Past event
Apr 22, 2020

Newport City Council Meeting

SPECIAL Meeting Agenda

Wednesday April 22, 2020, beginning at 6:30 p.m.


The Municipal Building is Closed as part of the Stay Home/Stay Safe Measures

In Order to Participate Remotely:

Phone 1- (978) 990-5000 and enter PIN: 185354#


by Computer go to https://freeconferencecall.com and join the meeting by using id: cityofnewportremote

City Council: Paul Monette, Mayor

Dan Ross, President

Kevin Charboneau

Melissa Pettersson

John Wilson

Laura Dolgin, City Manager

James D. Johnson, City Clerk/Treasurer


1. Call the Meeting to Order

2. Consider Separation Agreement (Likely executive session with City Attorney, 1 V.S.A. § 313(a)(1)(A), (F)).

1. Consider Resignation of City Employee.

2. Adjourn

Rebecca Therrien
Program Administrator City of Newport 222 Main Street Newport, VT 05855 802-334-5136

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