IACP Assessment of Bennington Police Department

Past event
Apr 20, 2020, 6 to 7 PM

The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) will present an assessment of the Bennington Police Department's policies and procedures on Monday, April 20th at 6 PM on CAT-TV (Channel 15) and Facebook.com/cattvbennington.

A recording of the presentation will be available for streaming at any time after April 20th on the Town's webpage, Facebook.com/cattvbennington, and YouTube.com/cattvbennington. During the presentation, IACP will summarize the findings and recommendations of the assessment and provide contact information and instructions regarding how to submit questions, comments and concerns about the assessment to IACP. The contact information and instructions will also be posted on the Town's website.

The April 20th presentation of the assessment will be followed by a live videoconference hosted by the Bennington Select Board on May 4th at 6 PM. At the May 4th meeting IACP will answer the questions and address comments and concerns submitted to IACP after the April 20th presentation. The May 4th meeting will conclude with a call-in question and answer period for IACP. It is anticipated that follow-up meetings will be held by the Select Board to obtain public comment and to discuss implementation of the recommendations contained in the assessment.

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