Thursday, April 16
10:30am – 11:30am
Whether you own a large woodlot or just a small yard, you have probably struggled with invasive exotic plants. Invasive exotic plants (not to mention animals, pests, and pathogens) are a major threat to global biodiversity. In Vermont, they are an existential threat to the health of our forests and other ecosystems, and the wildlife that depend on them. They also diminish the capacity of forests to perform many other important functions, cleaning our air and our water, sequestering carbon and providing habitat for our pollinators, in addition to many more.
If you have ever faced-off with invasive exotic plants, you know that they spread like wildlife and are extremely difficult to control. Join Ethan Tapper, the Chittenden County Forester, Vermont Woodlands Association and Vermont Coverts for a virtual discussion of the threats posed by woody invasive plants, how to identify them, and options for treatment. The Discussion will feature a short presentation and then move to questions from participants, so please bring your thoughts and questions about invasive exotic plants and how to deal with them. Please click the link below to join the webinar: Password: 261136
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