Join us tomorrow morning, invite a friend, and come talk about policy, politics, and what's happening right now in our community. To connect:
Via Computer or tablet:
Meeting ID: 891 624 0279, Password: 220790
One tap mobile +16465588656,,8916240279#,,#,220790# US (New York)
Or Dial by Phone: +1 646 558 8656, Meeting ID: 891 624 0279, Password: 220790
A message from the county delegation follows below:
We want you to know that we are available to assist you during this difficult and challenging time.
While we are doing our legislative work remotely, discussing legislation directly related to the crisis, we are also participating in conference calls to hear status updates on various issues. We want to help you access the services you may need, answer your questions, or just give out general information.
We can assist you with access to health care, unemployment insurance, and loans and grants for your businesses, among other things. There are various resources for artists, and because of recent federal legislation, self-employed workers are now eligible to apply for unemployment benefits.
For those who've signed up for Unemployment benefits, the Department of Labor is working hard, bringing in extra staff and working long hours, including Saturdays. There will still be a wait time to process all the new claims coming in and getting money into your pocket. Please bear with us and know it's being worked on, as quickly and carefully as possible.
For those who are still out working, thank you. Thank you for the essential work you do— to keep us fed, cared for, and to keep our communities running. We see you and your families. We are working to ensure all our frontline staff are protected and compensated in your labor.
We also want to stress that it is important to follow the Governor's directive of Stay Home/Stay Safe. This is the most effective tool we have to slow the spread of the coronavirus. Citizens are asked to wear a cloth mask when out in public for essential trips for food or medicine. This will ensure that all of us are extra protected. At the same time we must continue to maintain social distancing practices.
As this state of affairs continues, our patience and resolve can falter. While we can't enjoy the close company of friends and neighbors we can enjoy the beauty of Vermont in early springtime. Birds are singing, peepers are peeping, and leaves will pop out soon. We encourage you to get out of doors, take a walk, ride a bike, rake the lawn, sit in the sun, or plant a garden—while adhering of course to social distance standards.
Be well, take care, and do keep in touch with us and with each other.
Mar 2, 2025, 3 to 5 PM
Early Education Services Playgroup in TownshendMar 4, 2025, 10:30 AM to 12 PM
New Date: Brattleboro Kindergarten Information NightMar 6, 2025, 6 to 7 PM