EWSD Special Board Meeting (Remote) April 13

Past event
Apr 13, 2020, 12 to 1 PM

The Essex Westford School District Board will host a special meeting on Monday, April 13 starting at 12:00 p.m. Board members will join the meeting remotely and the public can join this Zoom meeting with the following information:

Link: https://zoom.us/j/677732108?pwd=UXp4OU1LK3QzQ0NRSXVYN3dLb3lBZz09
Meeting ID: 677 732 108
Password: 409423

Agenda items for the meeting include:
*Meet the Principal Candidates 
-EHS Co-Principal Candidates: Tamara Parks and Don VanNostrand
-Thomas Fleming Principal Candidate: Matt Roy
*Consent Agenda Items
*Approval of Transportation Capital Lease
For more information on the work of the EWSD Board, which includes, agendas, minutes, and meeting takeaways, please visit the following link: http://bit.ly/2vwTYdT 

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