The Plainfield/Marshfield (No Contact) 4th Tuesday Community-Supported Suppers by CSSG volunteers are ON. Our series continues...
We've worked out the hygiene model and tested it successfully in March. Our next April 28th supper (60 2-portion soup meals) is already sponsored, as is ALSO the supper on May 26th. Yahoo!
You can expect:
• Hygienically prepared meals... 4 varieties of soup, 2 slices of bread, apple, baked dessert... prepared and assembled using COVID-19-aware methods.
• No contact with others when you come to pick up (also no need to open doors or touch any surfaces)
•Two supper pickup locations - Tuesday evening at Grace United Methodist Church in Plainfield; Onion River Food Shelf in Marshfield on Wednesday
• No cost - The main costs of these meals are underwritten by our sponsors (two local people in April, two other local households in May) plus Red Hen Bakery has signed up to be our donor of monthly bread, and Joe's Kitchen in Randolph is providing the packaged 2-portion soups at below wholesale cost.
Donate money to help if you like - We have established a Venmo account to accept donations for the lesser expenses like supper bags, napkins, spoons, apples and Grace Church kitchen use, etc. Our new account will link to the Salmon Falls (Buddhist) Sangha's bank and should be verified by Monday - after which Venmo donations for the Community Supper Support Group will be processed @salmonfallssangha