The People's Response to the Covid-19 Crisis

Past event
Apr 7, 2020, 6 to 7:30 PM

Are you worried about covering costs right now? Worried about your job? Lost your job and seeking unemployment? Working on the front lines as an "essential employee" but still not getting paid enough? Worried about protective equipment? Struggling to work from home with no childcare? Worried about your healthcare benefits or where the next check will come from?

You are not alone! Thousands of Vermonters, already struggling to get by before COVID-19 and now on the frontlines of this new crisis, are demanding ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Sign our petition for permanent solutions to this crisis and all other VT health care crises:[...]pen

And join us at our Pandemic Response Town Hall on April 7th where we are discussing what this crisis means for working and poor people and how we are paving the way to permanent solutions:

-- Vermont Workers' Center

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