"From Pandemic to Pan-Ease: Cultivating Wellness, Balance and Hope" with Rev. Dr. Mellen Kennedy and Suiko McCall at 10 AM Sunday, March 15, by Zoom Conference Call (Call opens at 9:45)
To help slow the spread of the COVI-19 virus, many organizations are not meeting in person. This gives us an opportunity to try something new! Join us for our first on-line worship service! We'll find our way together in facing fear and deepening our faith. We'll explore our light and our dark. How do we create and maintain balance in imbalanced times? What an interesting, exciting time to be on the planet! Join us for a celebration of life, of connection, of community and of hope. Mellen and Suiko will lead the worship service. There will be time for meditation, singing, a reading or two, sharing of joys and sorrows, as well as reflection and comments from both Mellen and Suiko. At the end of the worship service, You log off and we end the Zoom call. It's that simple! Sponsored by the Springfield UU Meetinghouse. If You'd like to join the call, please email Admin. Assistant, Deb, at uuspringfieldvt@gmail.com, and she'll send the link. Mellen serves as the minister of the Springfield UU Meetinghouse Minister and Suiko is the co-founder and abbess of the Art Monastery in Springfield.
Mar 7, 2025, 6 to 8 PM
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