March 29, 6-8pm at the Jewish Community of Greater Stowe
For thousands of years, people of many faiths have retold the ancient exodus from Egypt, making the story relevant to their own lives and society. As recited in the Passover Seder — "All who are hungry: come, eat" — let us imagine a world without poverty. Help our Lamoille County neighbors break the shackles of financial hardship. Join us for the ritual, storytelling, inspiring words of action, and humble soup supper of this Interfaith Seder: no more poverty. Simple supper and childcare provided. RSVP required by March 20 at and to learn how to bring a meaningful contribution for the Capstone Essentials Closet and the Lamoille Community Food Share.
Co-sponsored by Capstone Community Action, Lamoille Community House, Lamoille Housing Partnership, Lamoille Community Food Share, Lamoille Family Center, Breakfast On Us, Lamoille Restorative Center, North Central Vermont Recovery Center, Meals on Wheels of Lamoille County, Lamoille Area Interfaith Clergy Group representing faith communities in Morrisville, Wolcott, Johnson, Hyde Park, Hardwick, and the Greater Stowe Interfaith Coalition, including: Jewish Community of Greater Stowe, St. John's in the Mountains Episcopal Church, Stowe Community Church, Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church, the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Stowe, and Bahá'ís of Stowe.