Agenda for March 9 Selectboard Meeting

Past event
Mar 9, 2020, 6 to 8 PM

Selectboard Agenda
Reorganizational + Public Hearing + Regular Meeting of March 9, 2020
South Hero Town Hall, Monday 6:00 PM

Current members: Jonathan Shaw, Anne Zolotas, Skip Brown

1. Call to Order by Town Clerk

2. Organization of Selectboard:
1. Town Clerk to introduce new/incumbent Selectboard members: Ross Brown and David Carter
2. Election of Chairman (required)
3. Town Clerk turns meeting over to new Chairman

3. New Appointments:
1. Election of Clerk (optional)
2. Set time and place of meetings (currently the 2nd and 4th Monday at 6:00 pm at Town Hall)
3. Set where to post warnings and agendas (currently Town Hall, Post Office and Library)
4. Set newspaper of record (currently the Islander)
5. Appointments:"shall thereupon appoint…the following officers who shall serve until their successors are appointed and qualified…" 24 VSA 871:
a. Animal control officer "…as long as he/she consents to the position, the animal control officer need not be a South Hero resident…"
b. A Tree Warden
c. Road Commissioner
6. Assign Emergency Management Officer and deputy, if required
7. Review, approve and sign the Selectboard Rules of Procedure

3. Public Hearing
A. Recess regular meeting to hold public hearing Regarding updates of Development Regulations
B. Once public hearing is complete, resume regular meeting

4. Adjustments to agenda, if necessary

5. Approval of Minutes
A. Regular meeting of February 24, 2020

6: Public Input

7. New Business
A. SHVFD to discuss funds hack and plan new fire boat
B. Discuss new Development Regulations and decide on method of approval of said regulations
C. Update from the Town Clerk/Treasurer
D. Allow Road Commissioner to sign road permits/road postings for the Selectboard

8. Reports of Officers
A. Report from Administrative Assistant
B. Accept resignation of Ross Brown and appoint Bill Rowe as member of DRB

9. Old and ongoing Business

10. Announcements and Communications

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