Nuno Felting with Ellen Spring - Art on Main

Past event
Apr 4, 2020, 10 AM to 4 PM

Spend the day learning a new twist on the ancient fiber art of felting. In this class we will create two small scarves using a wet felting technique that laminates layers of merino wool with delicate silks resulting in a lightweight, richly textured wearable work of art! All supplies provided, I will have plenty of colorful wool and silk to work with. Bring a lunch and, if you wish, scraps of lightweight chiffon-type silk you'd like to re-purpose.

With textile artist/teacher Ellen Spring, Saturday, April 4, 10-4 with a lunch break. Held at Ellen's studio: 2476 Ireland Rd, Starksboro. Fee $80 plus $15 materials fee. Limit 7.

To sign up or get a complete Art on Main class flyer, call (453-4032), email ( us at the gallery or go to ArtonMainVT on FaceBook. Even better stop in, say hi, and pick up the class list. All current members receive $5 off of each class.

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