The Barn Opera House - Cleaning Party!

Past event
Mar 7, 10 AM to 4 PM, Mar 8, 2020

Dearest friends and neighbors! First, before my invitation, I just wanted to take a minute to thank all of you in this incredible community for the notes of solidarity, phone calls, strategic meetings, and overall support that you have given all of us at BARN OPERA/CMAF in the past few months while we went through the process of attaining our Act 250 permit. Your support and confidence truly kept the wind in our sails, and I speak for all of us at BARN OPERA/CMAF when I say that I am truly, truly grateful for you all.

While (as of the writing of this post) we do not have the final paperwork, we HAVE completed the full hearing process and have been given express permission to get into the BARN for the first official time, and get the BARN ready for renovations! Please visit this website which contains information about the "Barn Raising!" that will be on this coming Saturday and Sunday (March 7 & 8, 2020) from 10a-4p each day - Feel free to email at any time with any questions you may have, and please come join the fun and help us to create the phenomenal community cultural venue that will be "The BARN OPERA House" in OUR town of Brandon: the best one in Vermont!

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