Healing the Heart: Judy Moffitt

Past event
Mar 8, 2020, 6 to 7 PM

What do you do when you are faced with something you can't control? Can you admit that you are powerless? Judy Moffitt is the mother of a child with a life-threatening disease, the disease of addiction. This disease is causing countless families unspeakable pain, fear and desperation. After every attempt to heal her son's addition, after all that she had done, she had not been able to stop this terrible disease. Judy believed that she would not be happy, that her life would not be better, until she fixed everything and everyone around her. Judy was presented with a harsh truth, "Your son will not get better until you get better." It was a hard message to hear, she did not believe that it was her who had to change. Come to Coila Church to hear her story Sunday March 8th at 6pm. Coila Church is located at 93 State Route 372. This event is open to the public, come as you are.

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