A notice to the Northfield community: If you are on the Norwich University campus on Monday, March 23, please be advised that at 1:10 p.m., Norwich University will conduct a mandatory "Shelter in Place" drill. This will last about 20 minutes total.
What is expected by participants;
When you hear the Siren (a wailing tone), please do the following:
o If you are outside, go into the nearest campus building immediately. If the buildings around you are already locked (as mandated by emergency procedures), proceed with the "run" portion of "Run, Hide or Fight."
o Shelter in place and lock the door of the room you are in; barricade the door if necessary.
o Close all the blinds, lock the windows and turn off the lights.
o Stay away from doors and windows.
o Do not make sounds and place your cell device to silent mode.
o Wait until you hear the All-Clear siren (a long steady tone) or receive a RAVE alert message stating it is All-Clear.
There will be several monitors in buildings and around campus that will evaluate the response by the campus community to measure the community response to inform goals for future drills.
If you are a member of the Norwich University community:
What should you do ahead of time:
- The RAVE system utilizes your contact information in Banner. Please ensure that your emergency personal contact information is correct and up to date. Here is how you can check your information:
o Go to your SailPoint Launchpad.
o Click on "RAVE Mobile Safety."
At this point, you can view, edit and test all of your contact numbers for your landline phone, your cellphone(text), and your email. NOTE – If you see a "confirm" button on any of your contact lines, please click on that button to make the confirmation official.
o Students Please Note: If your emergency notification is being sent to a home device (i.e., to other family members), please let them know that this event is happening and that it is only a test.
- Visit the Emergency page for more information, FAQs and a link to update RAVE contact information: https://www.norwich.edu/emergency
What you should know:
• "Run, Hide or Fight" are the logical responses to an emergency as it is happening; the siren indicates an emergency is believed to be occurring on campus. Video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VcSwejU2D0
• Norwich's siren means only one thing: Shelter in Place.
• In some cases, Shelter in Place is the "hide" portion of "Run, Hide or Fight."
• In case of an actual emergency, a shelter in place order could last for hours; this drill is designed to only last about 20 minutes.