Gratitude Feast This Sunday

Past event
Mar 8, 2020, 4 to 7 PM

Greetings Friends and Neighbors,

This coming Sunday the tables will be set in anticipation of your rumored arrival at the Hall. We call these community suppers Gratitude Feasts, as there is a practice of giving thanks that accompanies the meal. The menu for Sunday includes Beef Meatballs, Vegetarian Beans, Roasted Vegetables, Winter Salad, Bread, and Apple Butter Cake, a recipe crafted and honed by the fine bakers who – to our great fortune – lend their talents and time to turning gathered and gifted ingredients into such delectable treats.

Brush Brook Community Farm invites you to a:

GRATITUDE FEAST --- Sunday 3/8 4:00 pm at the Huntington Town Hall
4:00 pm – 4:30 Time for Arrival and Seat-Finding
4:30 pm – Gratitudes Sung and Spoken, and Dinner Served Family-Style

After dinner, Cake will be served upstairs along with Music and Dance by the official Feast Band, The Town Haulers.
THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THE MEAL. We ask only that you bring a plate and cup from home, as there is no kitchen at the Hall. Silverware is provided.

INTERESTED IN HELPING? See volunteer shifts and sign up here:

Or email

There has been much fertile discussion of late as to why the Farm engages in gift giving. We heard from many neighbors of their bewilderment upon being offered a package of beef yesterday at Town Meeting. "But surely someone else must need this more than I do," they said. They had just spent two hours listening to the necessarily tedious work of inspecting and questioning the town budget, line by line, asking for clarification on increases in Town expenses. Three coolers full of meat, raised and packaged by the Farm's many volunteer hands, sat there, open and waiting. I wondered if we would end up taking most of it back home with us. But as the conversations taking place around the coolers gathered momentum, worthiness began to creep in, and the politics of scarcity seemed to soften. Some began to imagine the homemade beef chili they would make, and the leftovers they would deliver around. Others realized they could drop off a brisket to a neighbor on their way home. All of the sudden, the coolers were empty, and the Farmers were heading home with big smiles, having found people willing to receive their gifts. And then news arrived this morning that the Bond Vote to fund the creation of The Town Forest had passed, setting a course for the creation of a 250-acre tract of Commons, land whose benefits would be offered to all residents. This land, adjacent to the Elementary School where the Town Meeting was held, includes the grassy pasture that, last summer, grew the beef that was taken home after the meeting, the Commons already winding its repairing way toward the empty bowl.

We look forward to Feasting with you on Sunday. Please remember to bring your empty plate and cup.

Many Thanks,

Adam and the Brush Brook Community Farm Family

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