"Hopeful Heart" Joins YWCA/Camp Hochelaga

Past event
Apr 11, 2014

Friday, April 11th 4:00-7:00....please join local artists Trine Wilson, Longina Smolinski, and Elizabeth McGonagle at the OPEN HOUSE reception for the YWCA's new office. In the Big Lots complex, their office is on the 2cnd floor above the Post Office. Raising money for scholarship funds to send girls to Camp Hochelaga this summer, all of the artists will be donating 25% of their sales to the effort. 100% of raffle ticket sales go to scholarship funds! And we have great raffle prizes.... dinner for 2 @ Leunigs, gift certificates to Fleet Street, art work and cards from Monstream Studio, artwork by Trine Wilson Photography, Glen Nadeau, Doris Weeks, Longina Smolinski, Elizabeth Mcgonagle...more more more!! Noshes and bevvies, fellowship, 'Laga conversation and alums....oh the fun goes on and on!!!

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