Art & Science of Making Kombucha

Past event
Mar 25, 2020, 5 to 7:30 PM

Join Suzanna Bliss, MAc, LAc, Clinical Herbalist, as she provides background information, demonstration, and supplies all focused on guiding you to successfully make and use *KOMBUCHA*, the refreshing, tasty, enzyme-rich probiotic wonder drink. Samples, SCOBYs, inoculant, and thorough written directions will be supplied to each attendee. Come and join in the fun! Suzanna Bliss is the founding director of Bliss Healing Acupuncture & Natural Health in Montpelier and Rooted Wisdom Medicinals in Middlesex. If you've ever wondered how you can make Kombucha at home, this is the class for you!

Pre-registration is required by March 20th.

Register online at[...]D0x

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