Free Workshops for Readers and Writers

Past event
Mar 7, 2020, 3 to 5 PM

As March roars in, come to Brooks Memorial Library, 224 Main St. in Brattleboro to hone your reading and creative writing skills with author and teacher Barbara Morrison. The first workshop is for readers, though writers, too, would find it useful. The other three are primarily for writers. These stand-alone workshops are open to teens and adults. Come to one or all; no prior registration required. All workshops run 3:00-5:00pm.

SATURDAY, MARCH 7 THOUGHTFUL READING: Many of us have trouble describing a book we've read beyond saying we liked or didn't like it. Knowing how to evaluate a story is useful, whether you're a member of a book club or in a writing critique group; someone who posts comments on Amazon and Goodreads or who simply likes to recommend books to friends. In this workshop, we'll examine the elements in a story and consider questions to ask about stories, including genre questions. We will then practice applying these skills.

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