Neighborhood NPA Meeting March 11 Please Join Us!

Past event
Mar 11, 2020, 5:45 to 9 PM

Please join us on March 11 from 6:45 to 9:00 pm in the UVM Medical Center's McClure Lobby Conference Room for our meeting of the Wards 1 and 8 Neighborhood Planning Assembly. This is a chance to meet neighbors and discuss issues that affect our neighborhood.

Here's our agenda:
Refreshments and Open House
Speak-out: An opportunity to make announcements and to raise issues that affect our community
Update from our City Councilors
NPA FY20 Budget
Colchester Avenue Corridor Presentation
Rate Options for Water, Wastewater and Stormwater
Restorative Justice Practices in Burlington

Please join us!
Cindy Cook
Ward 1 NPA Steering Committee

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