Londonderry Zoning Bylaw 2020 Meetings March 7 and 30

Past event
Mar 7, 2020, 10 AM to 12 PM

The Londonderry Planning Commission is working on a comprehensive revision to the town's Zoning Bylaw, including a complete replacement of the zoning map and districts. The changes would affect all property in town. This holistic review and revision to the Zoning Bylaw was recommended in the 2017 Londonderry Town Plan.

The Planning Commission will be hosting two public meetings in March to present and take comment on the work in progress. Chapters 1, 2 and 4 of the draft Londonderry Unified Development Regulations and a draft zoning map are available for public review and may be found at Chapters 3 and 5 are still being prepared and will also be available at this site once completed. Please join us at the following events to learn more:

March 7th, Saturday, 10am to Noon. "Zoning Workshop" - a presentation by our consultant Brandy Saxton, AICP, PlaceSense, focused on the proposed zoning districts, boundaries and standards, with time for comments and questions.

March 30th, Monday, 6 to 7:30pm. "Zoning Open House" - a drop-in event where you can come anytime from 6 to 730pm to talk with Planning Commission members, and the consultant assisting with the Bylaw revisions, about your own property.

Property owner participation is highly encouraged at this stage of the proposed comprehensive revision of Londonderry's Zoning Bylaw.

*This project is funded by a Vermont Municipal Planning Grant, supported by a required local match.

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