Press Conference for a Green New Deal in VT

Past event
Feb 27, 2020, 11:45 AM to 12 PM

350VT is holding a press conference Thursday, February 27th at 11:45 am in the Cedar Creek room at the Statehouse to show support for a Green New Deal Bill in VT. This is one of the most important and effective pieces of climate legislation this session! We are pushing for a public hearing and for the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Energy to take the bill up and pass it out of committee before crossover.

This bill was introduced by Senator Anthony Pollina and will immediately begin to raise funds by taxing the top 5% of Vermont taxpayers who are collectively enjoying windfall savings of $237 million a year as a result of the Trump tax cuts. It will develop a fund to meet the climate challenge by imposing a tax surcharge of 1.6 - 1.75% on these top tier taxpayers and these taxpayers alone. Senator Pollina estimates this strategy will raise about $30 million per year for each of the next five years, that is, for the duration of the Trump tax cuts. These funds will then be invested into transitioning Vermont off of fossil fuels.

To read the bill, cut and paste the following:

Please come out and show your support for S.311!

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