Calling all Salisbury residents. Our 2020 pre-town meeting will be on Saturday, February 29, at the Salisbury school, beginning at 2:00 p.m. with a community potluck supper to follow at 5:00. New to Salisbury? Come, get acquainted with your town. Newly qualified voter? Add your voice to town affairs. This is a place to get to know your neighbors, visit displays by town organizations, buy your girl scout cookies, hear from our state and school representatives, register, and get up to date on major town issues. This is the time to become informed about and discuss the town report and budget, the Otter Creek bridge, school consolidation, the mosquito control district, the transfer station, road maintenance, and whatever else is on your mind before the balloting on Tuesday, March 3. There will be door prizes, child care, and good food (paper supplies and warming ovens available, your own trash-saving place settings appreciated). Come and take part in a treasured Vermont tradition.