Town Meeting Day!

Past event
Mar 3, 2020, 8 AM to 3 PM

Hello, Johnson!

Our annual Town Meeting is Tuesday, March 3rd at 9am in the Johnson Elementary gymnasium. ALL are welcome and encouraged to participate in this 200+ year democratic tradition! Budgets and articles that will be voted on from the floor during the meeting are all outlined in your mailed Town Reports.

Voting polls will be open from 9-7pm in the school's library.

FREE onsite babysitting for children ages 3-9 will be available for families who are attending Town Meeting from 8:45-noon. We want to make this day as family-friendly as possible!

In addition to the regular meeting, we will kick off the day with a Pie Breakfast and Coffee Social starting at 8am. This is a wonderful time to socialize with neighbors and friends while helping the Johnson Historical Society (pie) and Johnson Recreation (coffee, and later popcorn) reach their fundraising goals. Gary and Roland Clark will serenade us with guitar and fiddle.

Around noon we will break for a pizza (handmade with love in our Community Oven) and potluck lunch- a fundraiser for the J.E.S 5th-grade class. Bringing a side dish or dessert to share is not mandatory, but strongly encouraged and very appreciated!

Girl Scout Cookies will be available for purchase in the hallway leading to the voting polls.

Johnson is known for its dedicated volunteer boards that do SO much for our community! They and other Lamoille County non-profits will have informational tables set up in the back of the gym highlighting what they are up to and how you can get involved. Please take a few minutes to check them out and get inspired!

Looking forward to seeing you all next Tuesday, but always feel welcome to reach out anytime.

Kyle Ellen Nuse, Select Board Member

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