Middlebury Shape Note Singing - Sunday, March 1

Past event
Mar 1, 2020, 1 to 3 PM

Middlebury Shape-Note Singing 
Sunday, March 1, 2020, 1:00 to 3:00 PM 
Mitchell Green Lounge, McCullough Student Center
Old Chapel Road, Middlebury College.   

Free and open to all. Loaner books are available. Parking on Old Chapel Road and adjacent parking lots. Enter from Rte. 125/College St. or Rte. 30/S. Main St.

March 1st is also the birthday of Jeremiah Ingalls, a farmer, cooper, and taverner by trade and a shape note music composer and singing master by profession. Born in 1764, he lived and worked in Newbury, Vermont as choirmaster and deacon at the Newbury Congregational Church until he was excommunicated from that congregation after allegations of adultery. Nonetheless, he went on to become the choirmaster at what is now the Federated Church of Rochester. He died in 1838 and is buried in Hancock, Vermont. Find out more at: http://www.whiterivervalleyplayers.org/jeremiah-ingalls-fact-anecdote-and-invention/

ICYMI ! The 40th annual Vermont All-Day Sacred Harp Singing will take place on Saturday, March 21, 2020 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm at the Unitarian Society, 2 Duane Court, Middlebury. The venue is handicap accessible, with adjacent handicap-only parking. Ample parking is available in the MUHS football field parking lot, off Charles Ave. There is a passenger and food drop-off zone in front of the building. A potluck lunch will be available. Please bring (or send) a potluck dish (or two) to share. Please note ingredients. CVUUS is a peanut-free, alcohol-free venue.
Co-sponsored by the Middlebury College Music Department and the Scott Center for Religious and Spiritual Life. For more information, see FaceBook/Middlebury Shape Note Singers or contact David, middleburyshapenote@gmail.com.  

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