Swarm the State House for Pollinator Protection

Past event
Feb 26, 2020, 2 to 3 PM

"The Mobilization for Pollinator Survival" will swarm the Cedar Creek Room at Vermont's State House at their Pollinator Protection event, this Wednesday, February 26, 2-3pm.

The press conference is in response to recent legislation (H 759, S 266) introduced to the House and Senate by Rep. Chip Troiano (Caledonia-2) as well as Senator Anthony Pollina, to curb the use of neonicotinoid-treated seeds in Vermont agriculture.

Known to appear in costume as bees, the Mobilization's presentation will include original music and colorful theatrical demonstrations that illustrate the importance of this legislation. Rep. Chip Troiano will speak about bill H-0759, and other legislators have been invited to comment to the press about their position on the pollinator protection bills. Beekeepers, scientists, members of advocacy groups, and youth activists are also invited make short statements.

The Hardwick-based group is pushing for public pressure to bring this important issue to a vote on the House and Senate floors before the "crossover" deadline of March 13, and has planned this gathering to give constituents the tools they need to demand immediate and bold action to stop the existential threat facing bees and other pollinators.

To read the bill H-0759: https://legislature.vermont.gov/Documents/2020/Docs/BILLS/H-0759/H-0759%20As%20Introduced.pdf
For S-0266: https://legislature.vermont.gov/Documents/2020/Docs/BILLS/S-0266/S-0266%20As%20Introduced.pdf

To make a public statement or participate in a performance piece related to the issue, please respond to this post with email. All ages are encouraged to attend - so please bring your kids!

Please come out and show your support for these important bills to protect pollinators and secure a safe environment for future generations.

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