Washington County Democratic Meeting - Kellogg-Hubbard

Past event
Feb 24, 2020, 6 PM

Washington County Democratic Committee Meeting - February 24
6:00 PM - Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Hayes Room - Montpelier

The next Washington County Democratic Committee meeting will focus on the Delegate Selection Plan for how to become a Delegate to the State Democratic Convention and thus, the National Convention. Terje Anderson, Vermont Democratic Chair, will present training for anyone who would like to become a Delegate to these conventions.

Democratic Town Chairs will hold caucus elections in every town on Tuesday, April 21 to elect the local delegates to the State Convention. To be eligible, you MUST vote in the March 3rd Presidential Primary and be elected on April 21st in your Town Committee caucus. Public is welcome to all Democratic Committee meetings.

The Delegate Selection Plan can be found at:

Washington County Democratic Committee
Monday, February 24⋅6:00 pm
Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Hayes Room
135 Main St, Montpelier

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