Plainfield Special Selectboard Mtg

Past event
Feb 19, 2020, 7:30 AM

Plainfield Special Select Board Meeting
Wednesday, February 18, 2020, 7:30 am
Municipal Building, 149 Main Street


7:30 am Review Agenda
7:35 am Public Comment/Announcements
7:10 pm Pedestrian Bridge Project including
- Review of project, upcoming bid return dates for supervising engineer, construction contract
- Review of grants for project and status of expenditures to date
- Review of process relating to bids for supervising engineer contract, including bid review and recommendation committee
- Review of process for construction bids, including required engineering and Vtrans review
- Determine whether to extend bid response date for construction bids
- Extension of construction
- Hiring project manager due to Pat Travers' employment with another firm
- Set dates for bid openings, selectboard meetings to confirm which bids to accept
8:45 am Other business
8:55 am Adjourn

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