On Sunday March 8th, the Federated Church of East Arlington will host the annual Mac and Cheese Extravaganza and Dessert Auction to benefit Happy Days Playschool. Free will offerings. The dessert auction will start at 5:00 with dinner following at 5:30 and will go until the food is gone. Local restaurants such as West Mountain Inn, Arlington Inn, Gringo Jacks, Chauncey's and Spatzle will donate their delicious homemade mac and cheese dishes. Last year we had various types of mac and cheese including Italian, spiced salami, smokes ham and cheese. Rolls, green salad, vegetable casseroles, applesauce and coffee, tea and milk will also be available. Happy Days staff and families will bake delicious baking goods to auction off to the community. Proceeds from this fundraiser will benefit enrichment programs, field trips, play equipment and much more at Happy Days Playschool.