Worried about the climate-related changes we're witnessing in front of our eyes? Want to do something about it?
Be part of West River Valley 100% Renewable, an innovative and bold project dedicated to meeting 100% of our towns' energy needs—transportation, heating and cooling, and electricity—through renewable sources by 2025!
Come to a volunteer recruitment meeting: Wednesday, February 26, 6:30-8:30 PM at Jamaica Town Hall OR Saturday, February 29, 10 AM - 12 PM at Townshend Elementary School. Note: The same information will be discussed at both meetings.
*Learn about what it will take to become 100% renewable by 2025
*Find out how you can help residents and businesses to de-carbonize (move from fossil fuel to renewable energy)
*Meet others who share your concerns and are taking action
For more information and to R.S.V.P, contact Melissa White at mwhitewrv100@gmail.com or 802-365-9762.
These meetings will be hosted by the WRV100% Core Team. For more information about the project and a list of Core Team members, go to https://www.westrivervalley100.org/