Selectboard Meeting - Wednesday, Feb. 19

Past event
Feb 19, 2020, 7 to 10 PM

Wednesday, February 19, 2020
1st Floor, Lower Level Conference Room
Hinesburg Town Hall

1. Call to Order 7:00PM

2. Additions/Deletions/Public Comment 7:00PM

3. Board, Committee, Commission Interviews 7:00PM

4. Review of Impact Fee Ordinance Proposals 7:30PM

5. COPS Grant Discussion with Chief Cambridge 8:00PM

6. FY21 Champlain Valley School District (CVSD) Budget Presentation to the Selectboard 8:15PM

7. Question/Answer Session for Residents Regarding the FY21 Proposed Municipal Budget 8:30PM

8. Consider Approving a Financial and Maintenance Agreement with VTrans for Intersection Project 8:45PM

9. Consider Approving Supplemental Agreement #1 for VTrans Intersection Project 8:55PM

10. Consider Adopting a Procurement Policy 9:05PM

11. Review Roles and Responsibilities in Preparation for Town Meeting 9:15PM

12. Town Administrator Report 9:25PM

13. Selectboard Forum/Correspondence Received 9:35PM

14. Review Minutes from 2/05/2020 9:45PM

15. Consider Approving Warrants 9:50PM

16. Consider a Motion to Enter Executive Session Under Provisions of 1 V.S.A.§ 313(a)(1)(a)(2)&(a)(3) 9:55PM

17. Adjourn 9:55PM

Questions or comments during the live broadcast? Email and those questions or comments may be read during the meeting. All times are approximate. For meeting materials, please visit:

Contact the Town Administrator if you have questions:; or 482-2281, ext. 222.

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