Long River Tai Chi Circle is the school of Wolfe Lowenthal, student of Professor Cheng Man-ching and author of three classic works on Taichichuan.
Patrick Cavanaugh is a long time student of Wolfe Lowenthal and instructor at Long River Tai Chi Circle in Vermont and New Hampshire and will be teaching the class in Burlington.
"Softness is the quality of the true self, that which exists beneath our myriad defenses."
Wolfe Lowenthal, There Are No Secrets
COURSE BEGINS: Tuesday March 10, 2020
CLASSES WILL MEET: Tuesdays from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.
LOCATION: North End Studios Winooski (O'Brien Com. Ctr.)
32 Mallets Bay Ave.
Winooski, VT 05404
Course Taught by: Patrick Cavanaugh, Senior instructor of Long River Tai Chi Circle
Email questions to patrick@longrivertaichi.org