Barriers to Voting for People with Disabilities

Past event
Feb 12, 2020, 1 to 3 PM

Focus Group: Barriers to Voting for People with Disabilities & Proposed Solutions: Wednesday, Feb 12, 1:00-3:00 at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Bennington, 108 School Street. Disability Rights VT will be coming to hold a focus group to learn from the community what keeps people with disabilities from voting and discuss possible solutions. There will be a $30 stipend for participants and light refreshments provided. This event is made possible through funding through the Help America Vote Act of 2002 and a generous contribution from the Vermont Secretary of State, Elections Division. DRVT will remain available on site directly following the Focus Group to provide individual assistance with voter registration, absentee ballots, voting rights, etc. The workshop series is designed to honor people with disabilities. Participation is also open to their care givers and allies. Events are free, but registration is required to ensure enough materials and seating. These are scent- and chemical-free events. An ASL interpreter will be provided. To register or request accommodations, contact Lynn Mazza, VCIL, 802-442-1876, For more information about the forum contact: Merry Postemski, DRVT, at 1-800-834-7890 ext. 112 or email:

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