"Become- and-Join" us for a discussion regarding Londonderry's opportunity to participate in a just and sustainable tax-&-regulate market place (S54).
What is S54?
This bill proposes to establish a comprehensive regulatory system for the production and sale of cannabis and cannabis products in Vermont. The bill creates the Cannabis Control Board as the independent regulatory authority for a commercial cannabis market. The Board is responsible for adopting regulations and administering a licensing program, including compliance and enforcement, for cannabis establishments. Five types of licenses are available: cultivator, product manufacturer, wholesaler, retailer, and testing laboratory. Applicants are limited to obtaining a maximum of one type of each license. Applicants are not required to be Vermont residents, but residency will be considered in prioritizing issuance of licenses. Application and license fees fund the Board in performance of its duties. Cannabis is taxed at ten percent with a potential one percent local option tax for municipalities that choose to host a cannabis retailer. Municipalities have authority to require municipal permits for a cannabis establishment and may prohibit the operation of a cannabis establishment or a specific type of cannabis establishment within the municipality by majority vote of those present and voting at an annual or special meeting warned for the purpose. On January 1, 2021, new statutes, as well as rules adopted by the Board, governing the Medical Cannabis Registry and Medical Cannabis Dispensaries take effect, and those programs transfer from the Department of Public Safety to the Board. The bill also directs the Office of Legislative Council to change "marijuana" to "cannabis" throughout the statutes as needed for consistency with the act.
Purpose of Our Gathering
This is an informational gathering on the medicinal, ecological and socio-economic benefits of our town saying "YES," on Town Meeting Day (3/3/2020), to the opportunity of becoming a cannabis friendly town so to create a healthy and sustainable marketplace for cannabis. We will be joined by Tim Fair and Andrew Subin, attorneys from Vermont Cannabis Solutions, Burlington VT, so to address any and all legal questions.
When Will We Gather Together?
Wednesday February 26th, 2020 at the Londonderry Town Hall (6:00 pm)