Are you interested in calling for bold action on Climate Justice this legislative session?If so, please join us at one or all of our Spring Advocacy dates! The Central VT Sunrise Hub and 350VT will be hosting a series of citizen advocacy events to call on the Governor, legislative leadership, and state legislators to pass strong and effective climate justice legislation this session that creates a livable future for everyone. We will be making phone calls, writing letters, and contacting our representatives to schedule in-person meetings.
You don't have to be an expert! There will be opportunities to learn about current climate-related bills, legislative committees, and other legislative efforts for climate justice. We will provide support for choosing the advocacy strategies (emails, phone calls, letters, etc) that feel right to you! All are welcome. Delicious snacks and warm drinks will be provided!
February Advocacy Dates: February 8th, 11-1pm & February 29th, 11-1pm
Where: Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Hayes Room, Montpelier, VT
Bring: Your phone, a laptop if possible and pen/paper (we will also have an extra computer for folks to use),your own mug, friends and family! Please do not wear fragrances or essential oils to make the space welcoming to those with chemical sensitivities
Childcare: Free childcare available on site for the event. Please contact Rebecca at or 802-522-6684 to let us know if you will be bringing little ones.
Access Needs: The Hayes Room is wheelchair-accessible. A Zoom video conference connection is available for stay-at-home attendees. Please email Rebecca for Zoom info or with other access needs!
Food: Snacks and warm beverages will be provided! Please bring your own mug.
Know Someone Who Wants to Replicate this Event in Their Town? We would love to offer support! Please be in touch.
Mar 7, 2025, 3 to 4 PM
Worcester Winter Cash Bingo! Sundays at Town HallMar 9, 2025, 3 to 4:30 PM
Earth Circle - The Start of SpringMar 12, 2025, 7 to 8 PM