Black River Bug Hunt & Open House

Past event
Mar 21, 2020, 9 AM to 1 PM

FREE and open to all! Come to the Springfield High School on Saturday, March 21st to discover the wild and wonderful world beneath the surface. Drop in to the open house to learn how river bugs can tell us a LOT about water quality (you'll even meet some live ones!); several bug-related activities will be on hand in the open house portion of this event.

Signs will be posted, showing the way!

Stay longer and dive deeper in the bug hunt as we explores preserved samples of aquatic invertebrates collected from several streams around the Black River watershed (that's the area of land that drains into the Black River, around 202 square miles!). All training and materials will be provided. Come for a visit, stay for an hour, or spend the morning with us.

Lab stations are best suited to adults, teens, and youngsters who can handle metal foreceps with care; folks with a sensitivity to isopropyl alcohol may wish to limit their time at a station.

BYO snacks or lunch; light refreshments and water will be provided.

This event will be just the beginning - give a holler at or leave your contact information at (802) 738-0456 if you're interested in this event (RSVP will be very helpful for the actual sorting session, as work-stations will be limited). Future bug hunts are being planned on site at several streams this summer, and another open house/lab session will hopefully happen in the fall.

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