Middlebury Shape-Note Singing
Sunday, February 2, 2020, 1:00 to 3:00 PM
Mitchell Green Lounge, McCullough Student Center
Old Chapel Road, Middlebury College.
JUSTIN MORGAN HAD A HORSE, AND A TUNE. He became more famous for the horse, but he also had a lifelong passion for music and wrote psalmody, the first distinctive American style of music. His musical works live on in The Sacred Harp song book.
Our shape note singing continues a tradition dating back to the 1700s, when Vermonters Justin Morgan, Jeremiah Ingalls and many other itinerant singing masters introduced this style of choral music in early New England. Please join us for community singing of traditional songs, anthems, and hymns from the Sacred Harp Song Book, in 4-part, a capella harmony.
Free and open to all. Loaner books are available. Parking on Old Chapel Road and adjacent parking lots. Enter from Rte. 125/College St. or Rte. 30/S. Main St.
Co-sponsored by the Middlebury College Music Department and the Scott Center for Religious and Spiritual Life. For more information, see FaceBook/Middlebury Shape Note Singers or contact David, middleburyshapenote@gmail.com.
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