Osher Talk on Wednesday

Past event
Jan 22, 2020, 1:30 to 3 PM


The fourth presentation of Lamoille Valley Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) will be on January 22nd. Starting with the state of the art in software development in 1977, Bill Robinson Ph.D. will trace the changes in the way computer applications were built as he stayed close to the cutting edge in the industry. The topic will be described at a non-technical level for a general audience.

Bill Robinson received a Ph.D. in Mathematics at Tulane University in 1970. He began his first career at Clarkson College teaching and publishing papers in his field. During this time, he developed an interest in computer programming and the emerging field of Computer Science. In 1977 he began his second career by teaching Computer Science courses at the SUNY college in Potsdam, NY. In 1978, he moved to Foxboro, MA to work for the next 10 years at the Foxboro Company, first in their research department, writing several papers and giving lectures at several conferences. He joined their Software Department, working on a major project involving 120 software engineers.

Over the next 25 years he worked in several software organizations, following the trail of "what's the next big thing?" His last gig, for 11 years, was in the Harvard Extension Distance Education Department, leading the software development efforts for a video production system that enabled students around the world to participate in existing Harvard courses.

Along the way, he missed teaching, so starting in 1980 he kept his day job and began teaching part-time at Boston University's Metropolitan College. He also co-authored a book titled "Discrete Mathematics with Computer Science Applications." The book was translated into several languages and used in colleges around the world. In 1985 he began teaching courses at Harvard Extension School. Both institutions gave him an award for excellence in teaching.

Osher Lectures begin at 1:30 sharp. Doors open at 12:45 p.m. at the Commodores Inn restaurant, 823 South Main Street, Route 100 (Lower Village), Stowe. Refreshments follow the presentation. There is a $7 fee for non-members. It is not necessary to make reservations. Next week on January 29, we will hear from Bill Schubart, WHAT HAS CHANGED IN OUR LIFE TIMES?

Interested in becoming a Lamoille Valley OLLI sponsor? Contact us. Information: Ann Spearing, 802-888-7466; learn.UVM.edu/osher.

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