Beginning this month and following into February and March, the Underhill Conservation Commission will present three films that share hope and inspiration for our natural world.
The first film will be held at the Deborah Rawson Memorial Library (DRML) in Jericho, on January 28 at 7PM. This films title is FINAL STRAW and will lead the viewer on a breathtaking journey to Japan, Korea and the USA. Our perceptions of food, farming and loving will be changed!
Join us for the second film at 7PM, February 18, again at the DRML for the screening of THE BIGGEST LITTLE FARM. This film chronicles eight years of efforts by a family as they create a harmonious life in the country.
The third film will be shown at the Underhill Town Hall at 7PM on March 12 in Underhill Center. This stunning film is the exploration of the environmental art of Andy Goldsworthy. The title of this film is RIVERS AND TIDES. It is a visual delight that is filled with wonder and beauty.
Please know that each viewing is FREE and open to all!
For questions, call Betsy Chapek at 899-4576 or email at
Mar 7, 2025, 6 to 7 PM
Messiah in the Passover PresentationMar 11, 2025, 6:30 to 8 PM
Alzheimers Caregivers Support GroupMar 12, 2025, 3 to 4 PM