In Vermont, both forestry and forest-based recreation are important parts of our culture. Forest-based recreation, like skiing, hiking, and mountain biking, are important ways that people enjoy Vermont's forested landscape. Modern forest management is instrumental in helping keep forested land forested, diverse, and healthy, while producing local economic benefits and local, renewable resources. While recreation and forestry are largely in agreement about the importance of healthy forests, they have historically clashed over who gets to do what, where.
Join the Fellowship of the Wheel (FOTW) and the Outdoor Gear Exchange for a free, public walk of an active timber harvest at the Hinesburg Town Forest (HTF) with Ethan Tapper, the Chittenden County Forester. This walk will focus on the goals of the forest management at the HTF, how this project will interact with recreational usage of the property, and the role that forestry plays in forest-based recreation in general. This program aspires to enrich the understanding of modern, responsible forest management, and its role in land conservation, for those who enjoy forest-based recreation.
To attend this walk, meet at 1:00 PM on Saturday, January 18th at the plow turnaround at the end of Economou Road, Huntington. This walk will happen "rain (snow, mud) or shine." Participants should be ready to spend a couple hours outdoors walking over uneven and potentially slippery surfaces in whatever weather we find ourselves in, and also to spend extended periods of time standing and talking. Please bring an open mind, warm clothes, and all those questions you've never had a chance to ask about recreation, logging and forest management.
Feb 23, 2025, 1:30 to 2:30 PM
Special Selectboard Meeting Feb. 24Feb 24, 2025
Network Smarter, Not Harder: Client Building EventFeb 27, 2025, 8:30 AM to 10:30 PM