The Western Star: Storytelling and Song This Saturday

Past event
Jan 18, 2020, 4:30 to 6 PM

Join singer-storyteller Jack DesBois for an evening of Epiphany music and poetry. This Saturday at 4:30pm at St Stephen's Episcopal Church on the Green in Middlebury, Jack will share "The Western Star", a mesmerizing retelling of the Three Kings' journey to the Christ Child's side in Bethlehem.

From one Essex Junction audience member:
"The story of the Magi is an old one, but DesBois' unique and skillful approach makes it come alive in new ways. His voice is strong and true, his interaction with his audience brings those present skillfully into his tale, and his lovely music and singing voice touches chords at the deepest level."

The Western Star
Saturday, January 18th at 4:30pm
St Stephen's Church on the Green in Middlebury
$10 suggested donation - All are welcome regardless of ability to donate!

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