The Essex Westford School District Board would like to welcome you to the most wonderful time of the year: budget season! Each year at this time, the Board and administration begin the process of building the budget for the next calendar year.
The budget focus for FY21 is educational equity and student achievement. Educational Equity means that "every student has access to the educational resources and rigor they need at the right moment in their education across race, gender, language, disability, sexual orientation, family background and/or family income" (Vermont Multi-Tiered System of Supports Field Guide - MTSS 2019 Field Guide).
We currently have a gap in student achievement, as our students who are white and economically secure perform better in school and on state assessments than our students who live in poverty, students with disabilities, and students of color. We owe it to all of our students to close this gap and make student achievement mean success for ALL students.
The Board kicked off the season with a night of Pie and Pie Charts to explain what ingredients go into creating a budget. Thank you to everyone who came and enjoyed dessert with us!
Upcoming budget topics include:
*January 14, 2020 Building Blocks and Operational Expenses - Property Services, Technology, Transportation, Safety & Security, Child Nutrition, and Business Functions
*January 21, 2020 (EWSD Board Meeting) Instructional Strategic Plan - FY21 Instructional FocusInstructional Services & Support
*January 28, 2020 Instructional Strategic Plan - FY21 Instructional FocusAdministration & Other Support Services
*February 4, 2020 (EWSD Board Meeting) Center for Technology, Essex
*February 11, 2020 Instructional Strategic Plan - FY21 Instructional Focus
*February 18, 2020 (EWSD Board Meeting) Proposed budget overview, anticipated tax impact, known variables, cost drivers, variance reporting
For more information on the budget, please visit:
Dec 18, 2024, 6 to 7:30 PM
Early Literacy Storytime - All Ages Welcome!Dec 19, 2024, 11:25 AM to 12:25 PM
Night of ChristmasDec 21, 2024, 3:30 to 7 PM