A Gatekeeper is someone who "opens the gate" with a three step process, by knowing the warning signs, listening, asking if someone wants to hurt themselves and is always there to support someone when feeling suicidal. Their job is to intervene and refer those that need support. They can be teachers, mental health counselors, ministers, youth workers, primary care professionals, law enforcement, first responders, and parents. This training will discuss recent data, myths and attitudes, how to recognize signs of distress, what to say and do and how to offer help. Resources for help in Vermont will be identified.
Date: Friday, January 31, 2020
Time: 8am - Noon
Location: Lamoille County Mental Health Services, 72 Harrel Street
Details: Space is limited. Materials will be provided. This is a FREE training
To register: Email Jaime McLean at jaimem@lamoille.org