Irasburg Selectboard Meeting
January 8th, 2020
Irasburg Town Clerk's Office at 5:30pm.
o Call Meeting to order 5:30pm
o Additions & Deletions to the Agenda 5:31pm
o Review and approve minutes of December 18th meeting 5:34pm
o Public Comment 5:40pm
o Michael Prue-discuss second amendment sanctuary ordinance 5:45pm
o Travis Casey- road concerns 6:00pm
o Robin Kay- request to consider offering AFLAC 6:15pm
o Robin Kay, Judy Jackson, Danielle Ingalls- Town Report 2020 6:30pm
o Review and possibly approve the purchase of new computers and 6:45pm
Software for office computers
o Possibly work on 2020 Budget 7:00pm
o Review and approve order#24 bills and payroll, amended order#24 bills 7:15pm
o Correspondence: equalization study results 7:25pm
o Adjourn 7:30pm