You may wonder why I'm posting this again. It's because there are two ordinances, one for Water System - announcement in an earlier post - and another for Waste Water System below and there is a public hearing for both the Wastewater System Ordinance AND the Water System Ordinance on January 27th at 6:30 p m. Sorry for any confusion. Here's the notice for the Wastewater System Ordinance portion of the hearing:
Plainfield Wastewater System Ordinance Public Hearing Monday January 27, 2020 6:30pm
The Plainfield Selectboard will hold a Public Hearing to consider final adoption of the proposed Wastewater System Ordinance. The hearing will be held at the Plainfield Municipal Building at 6:30pm.
Proposed Plainfield Wastewater System Ordinance
Pursuant to the municipal charter of the Town of Plainfield at 24 App. V.S.A. Ch. 131, § 301-305, Ordinances, and Vermont Statutes Title 24, Chapter 59, Chapter 89, Chapter 97, Chapter 101, Chapter 129, and Chapter 131, 10 V.S.A.1263, and 1 V.S.A. 126, and such other general enactments as may be material hereto, which include the authority to adopt, amend, repeal, charge rates and fines, enforce ordinances and to regulate all aspects of municipally owned wastewater properties and facilities, the Selectboard of the Town of Plainfield shall consider the adoption of the the Wastewater System Ordinance set out below:
The articles provided below set forth the regulations that apply to current or proposed customers of the Town of Plainfield Public Community Wastewater System. When a customer applies for, and is granted wastewater allocation from the Plainfield Wastewater System, that acceptance represents a contract between the customer and the Town of Plainfield. The customer agrees to discharge wastewater only for legitimate purposes as described in these rules and at established rates and fees set by the Town of Plainfield.
Article I Definitions
Article II Use of Public Sewers Required
Article III Building Sewers and Connections
Article IV Use of the Public Sewers
Article V Protection from Damage
Article VI Powers and Authority of Inspectors
Article VII Penalties
Article VIII User Charge System
Article IX Hearing Board
Article X Validity
Article XI Effective Date
Article XII Adoption
This ordinance may be disapproved by a vote of the majority of qualified voters of the Town of Plainfield at a special meeting duly warned for the purpose, and pursuant to a petition signed by not less than five percent of the qualified voters and submitted to the Selectboard or the Town Clerk of the Town of Plainfield within forty four days of the adoption of this ordinance in accordance with VSA 24, section 1973.
Plainfield Selectboard
A complete draft is available at the Town Clerks Office, 149 Main Street on M/W/F 7:30am-12 and 12:30-4pm or on the Town Website at
You can contact Tristan MacGregor-Stewart, Asst. Plant Operator at 802-454-7173, 9am-3pm PO Box 217, Plainfield VT 05667 to answer any questions about this proposed ordinance.