Juneberry Choral Concert

Past event
Jan 12, 2020, 4 to 5:30 PM

Juneberry Sings Bird by Bird

How do you tackle a big project? Anne LaMott's writing guide says, do it "Bird by Bird," and that's how Juneberry Community Chorus at UVMC, a 75+ voice group directed by Patricia Norton, is singing this winter. The concert features the premiere of a colorful, dramatic setting of the Wallace Stevens poem, "Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird," by local award-winning composer, Travis Ramsey. Artwork by Thetford Academy highschoolers will light the stage, as Brenda Chien sparkles at the piano. From "Lullaby of Birdland" and "Turtle Dove", Guastavino's "Se Equivocó La Paloma," to 50s r&b quartet piece, "Honey Bird," you will never know quite what to expect! There will be opportunities for audience singing.

Sunday, January 12th, 4 p.m.

Lebanon Opera House Family friendly Your donation at the door makes this program possible.

We suggest $15/seat: you adjust up or down according to your ability to pay.

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