Vermont has 251 towns. Explore them…One Town at a Time.
The film will be screened in Craftsbury on Wednesday, January 15, at 7p.m. at The Craftsbury Outdoor Center in the Activity Center as part of a screening tour traveling around Vermont. In 2006, during a summer between semesters at college, director Mike Leonard took on the challenge of visiting every town in the state of Vermont by joining the 251 Club - a unique organization dedicated to exploring The Green Mountain State. With his two best friends in tow, he met with locals and visited some of Vermont's most celebrated nooks and crannies. After living outside Vermont for over a decade, Mike moved back home and revisited the 251 Club – returning to some of the same places and re-interviewing some of the same people he met 12 years ago. In the process, he learned how Vermont has changed, how it has stayed the same, and how a humble wayfarer's club shaped his identity forever. One Town at a Time is a coming-of-age story that is firmly rooted in the community spirit that makes Vermont so special, including diverse voices from across the state such as Former Governor Jim Douglas and Ben & Jerry's co-founder, Jerry Greenfield. You will hear from 251 Club members of all kinds and, after listening to their stories of traveling through Vermont, you'll want to start exploring as well.
Event admission is free but donations are welcome and will be followed by a question and answer. The entire program will last two hours. View a trailer for the film:
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