Holistic DIY Techniques for Pelvic Pain/Cramps Workshop

Past event
Jan 4, 2020, 10 AM to 12 PM

Holistic Self Care for Pelvic Pain + Cramps Relief Workshop & Endometriosis, Adenomyosis, & Heavy Periods Support Circle

Link to register for the workshop: https://www.railyardapothecary.com/store/p389/Holistic_Self_Care_for_Pelvic_Pain_Relief_Work[...]tml

Railyard Apothecary, Battery Street, Burlington, Vermont, $30

Do you have adenomyosis, endometriosis, or heavy periods and either grin and bear it or take painkillers for menstrual cramps and pelvic pain?

In this hands on workshop, we will co create a safe space to explore reflexology, restorative yoga, and pelvic massage specific for holistic pelvic pain relief.

Facilitator Bio:

Sara Lopez is a Certified Hormone Specialist and Women's Health Coach in Burlington, Vermont. She is the founder of Gush, an online magazine for brave beauties with adenomyosis, endo, &/or heavy periods. Sara offers consultations to women all over the world to find symptom relief.

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