Red Tail Ring is the musical brainchild of two old-time-minded Michiganders – Michael Beauchamp and Laurel Premo. The collaboration blends the loving attention of revivalist fervor with the playful creativity of starting from scratch.“We love pushing the boundaries of what a traditional song can be,”
Whether rendering a traditional tune or one of their many original compositions, the duo infuses each song with imagination, haunting harmonies and instrumental artistry.
"Catch this act before T-Bone Burnett discovers them"- The Ann Arbor Observer
Admission at the door $10/$8- Doors at 7:00- the evening begins at 7:30 with a 50 minute open mic- followed by the featured artists.Homemade baked goods and beverages available.This month's baked goods to benefit Otter Creek Daycare. Information: to sign up for one of the 4 -12 minute open mic slots call 388-9782
Jan 18, 2025, 5 to 9 PM
Beginner Highland Dance ClassesJan 22, 2025, 3:30 to 4:30 PM
Winter Into Spring Musical Library TourJan 23, 2025, 7:30 to 8:30 PM