Onion River Exchange - ORE-Member's Holiday Childcare

Past event
Dec 21, 2019, 10 AM to 2 PM

Onion River Exchange is offering Holiday Childcare for ORE~Members!

Calling ORE Members! Do you still have some last minute shopping to do? We are offering Childcare from 10 am -2 pm. We will have a day full of fun games, arts and crafts, and a snack for the kiddos while you shop.

A great day to give and receive time-banking services between ORE Members!

Location: Unitarian Church, 130 Main Street, Montpelier.

If you are interested in becoming an ORE Member check out our website: orexchange.org Link to Register for Onion River Exchange- Timebanking Orientation https://www.eventbrite.com/e/timebanking-orientation-learn-about-timebanking-tickets-85119967113

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