Shine a Light for Social Justice

Past event
Dec 22 to 29, 2019

There are many ways to celebrate Chanukah this year with Beth Jacob Synagogue, all are welcome!

*Shine a Light for Social Justice- Dec.22-Dec.29*
This year on each of the eight nights of Chanukah, members of the Beth Jacob Synagogue community who have volunteered to be "lighting leaders" will light a menorah in one downtown Montpelier business to "shine a light" on one social justice issue. We invite the Montpelier community to join us for these lightings and stand in solidarity with the marginalized people in our country.
Sunday Dec. 22 J. Langdon: LGBTQ rights- 5:30pm
Monday Dec. 23 The Quirky Pet: Racial Justice- 5:30pm
Tues Dec. 24 Rabble Rouser: Women's Equality- 5:30pm
Wednesday Dec. 25 Beth Jacob Synagogue: Homelessness- 4pm
Thursday Dec. 26 Onion River Outdoors: Climate Crisis- 5:30pm
Friday Dec. 27 Beth Jacob Synagogue: Religious Freedom- 4pm
Saturday Dec. 28 The North Branch Cafe: Mental Health- 5:30pm
Sunday Dec. 29 Beth Jacob Synagogue : Immigrant Justice- 2pm

*Beth Jacob's Brass Balagan Chanukah Bash! Sunday Dec. 29 1-3pm*
Celebrate Chanukah with free fun for all ages! Live music with The Brass Balagan band, latkes, crafts and more!

*Annual Movie and Asian Food Event Wednesday Dec. 25 2-5pm*
Join us for the well loved tradition of showing a movie and eating asian food together on Dec. 25th at Beth Jacob! Family friendly! This year's movie is 'Full Court Miracle', a Disney film inspired by the true story of basketball star Lamont Carr. After we will light the Chanukah candles and enjoy food from Pho Capital. Please pre-register so that we can have enough food for everyone. Tickets here:

Beth Jacob Synagogue is located at 10 Harrison Ave. Montpelier, for more info.

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